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"Knowledge is power" is a phrase that highlights the importance of acquiring information, understanding, and skills to gain influence and control over one's circumstances. It suggests that the more capable one becomes of making wise decisions, solving problems, and seizing opportunities. Knowledge empowers individuals to navigate challenges, improve their lives, and contribute to societal progress. In education, science, business, or everyday life, those with greater knowledge.
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Amazing Kitchen Gadgets
10 Ways to Improve Your Personality We now know that not only can we improve our personality, we can develop it in ways we previously...
خوش نصیب کون؟ کہانی اک شخص کی۔ ۔۔۔ کیا آپ بھی بنی اسرائیل ہیں ؟ کیا تمہارے پاس گاڑی ہے؟ میں نے مڑ کر اس کی طرف دیکھا اور چند لمحے تک...
Controlling Your Own Mind You are what you think... Scientists are now saying that your mind creates your reality and that what you think...