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Showing posts with label Random Articles. Show all posts

Monday, 21 October 2024

Jayden Daniels' ailment: Adam Schefter discloses the seriousness of the Commanders' quarterback's condition, status for Week 8.

Adam Schefter joined The Pat McAfee Show on Monday to provide an update on Jayden Daniels' status after the Washington Commanders lost their Week 7 game against Carolina with a groin injury Panthers. According to Schefter, officials believe the injury is not serious and the quarterback will have a chance to play in Week 8 against the Chicago Bears. If he can't go, Marcus Mariota will return to replace Daniels. "As of an hour ago, people in the administration did not know his condition and were still waiting for information," Schefter said. – So they are happy with his mother's tweet that he is fine, while they are still waiting to hear the real news. They still don't know if he can start Tuesday. —I don't think it's serious, but they still don't know if he can play this week. They are still waiting to hear the news. Again, have a game plan here. Don't know if you get it. If Jayden Daniels can't start, Marcus Mariota can. I think it's pretty fair at this point to say that this issue is over. For a limited time, you can get your first month of Fubo for just $49.99. Watch ESPN, ABC, CBS, FOX, NBC and more than 200 live TV and sports channels without cable. (Eligible programs only. Taxes may apply.  

Although Daniels survived to return to Carolina, the Commanders didn't need him as they defeated the Panthers 40-7. The aforementioned Mariota took over for Daniels and threw for 205 yards and two touchdowns. With the win, the Warriors move to 5-2 and first in the NFC East. Daniels was a big reason the Hosts had a chance to win their first conference title since 2020. 1,404 yards and six touchdowns and two interceptions. Daniels also excelled in the running game, rushing for 322 yards and four touchdowns (not included in the Panthers' game total).

Wednesday, 16 October 2024

خوش نصیب کون؟

خوش نصیب کون؟

کہانی اک شخص کی۔ ۔۔۔

کیا آپ بھی بنی اسرائیل ہیں ؟

کیا تمہارے پاس گاڑی ہے؟

میں نے مڑ کر اس کی طرف دیکھا اور چند لمحے تک اسے حیرت سے دیکھتا چلا گیا۔ وہ دانت نکال رہا تھا اور بار بار اپنی داڑھی کھجا رہا تھا۔ پارک میں لوگ چہل قدمی کر رہے تھے۔ کچھ لوگ ہلکی ہلکی جاگنگ بھی کر رہے تھے۔ دوپہر مایوس ہو کر رخصت ہو رہی تھی اور شام دھیرے دھیرے مارگلہ کی پہاڑیوں سے نیچے سرک رہی تھی۔ گرم دوپہر کے بعد اسلام آباد کی شام کی اپنی ہی خوب صورتی ، اپنا ہی سکھ ہوتا ہے ۔


میری بچپن کی عادت ہے میں پریشانی یا ٹینشن میں کسی پارک میں چلا جاتا ہوں۔ ایک دو چکر لگاتا ہوں اور پھر کسی بینچ پر چپ چاپ بیٹھ جاتا ہوں۔ وہ بینچ میری ساری ٹینشن، میری ساری پریشانی چوس لیتا ہے اور میں ایک بار پھر تازہ دم ہو کر گھر واپس آ جاتا ہوں ۔ میں اس دن بھی شدید ٹینشن میں تھا۔ میں نے پارک کا چکر لگایا اور سر جھکا کر بینچ پر بیٹھ گیا۔


تھوڑی دیر بعد ایک نیم خواندہ پشتون کسی سائیڈ سے آیا اور بینچ پر میرے ساتھ بیٹھ گیا ۔ اسے شاید بڑبڑانے کی عادت تھی یا پھر وہ خاموش نہیں بیٹھ سکتا تھا چنانچہ اس نے مجھے بار بار انگیج کرنا شروع کر دیا۔ وہ کبھی آٹے کی مہنگائی کا ذکر کرتا تھا، کبھی ٹرانسپورٹ کے کرایوں کا رونا روتا تھا اور کبھی لوگوں کے غیر اسلامی لباس پر تبصرے کرتا تھا۔ میں تھوڑی دیر اس کی لغویات سنتا رہا لیکن جب بات حد سے نکل گئی تو میں نے جیب سے تھوڑے سے روپے نکالے اور اس کے ہاتھ پر رکھ دیے ۔


وہ تھوڑی دیر تک حیرت سے نوٹوں کو دیکھتا رہا، پھر اس نے قہقہہ لگایا۔ نوٹ واپس میرے ہاتھ پر رکھے اور بولا۔


"آپ لوگوں کا بڑا المیہ ہے ،آپ دوسروں کو بھکاری سمجھتے ہیں۔ آپ کا خیال ہوتا ہے آپ کے ساتھ اگر کوئی غریب شخص بات کر رہا ہے تو اس کا صرف ایک ہی مقصد ہے وہ آپ سے بھیک لینا چاہتا ہے۔

بابو صاحب ! مجھ پر ﷲ کا بڑا کرم ہے۔ چوکی داری کرتا ہوں، روٹی مالک عزوجل دے دیتا ہے اور خرچے کے پیسے مالک عزوجل کے بندے سے مل جاتے ہیں۔ میں بس آپ کو پریشان دیکھ کر آپ کے پاس بیٹھ گیا تھا۔

میرا والد کہتا تھا پریشان آدمی کو حوصلہ دینا بہت بڑی نیکی ہوتی ہے۔ چنانچہ میں جہاں کسی کو پریشان دیکھتا ہوں میں اس کے پاس بیٹھ جاتا ہوں مگر آپ نے مجھے بھکاری سمجھ لیا۔"


میری حیرت شرمندگی میں بدل گئی اور میں اس سے معافی مانگنے لگا۔ وہ ہنسا اور داڑھی کھجاتے کھجاتے مجھ سے پوچھا۔ "کیا تمہارے پاس گاڑی ہے؟"


میں نے چند لمحوں تک اس سوال پر غور کیا اور پھر جواب دیا۔ "ہاں تین چار ہیں۔

وہ بولا۔ " تم کو پتا ہے آج کل پٹرول کی کیا قیمت ہے؟"

میں نے ہنس کر جواب دیا۔ "مجھے نہیں پتا، ڈرائیور پٹرول ڈلواتا ہے۔"

اس نے قہقہہ لگا کر کہا۔ "اور تم پھر بھی پریشان بیٹھے ہو؟"


میں نے حیرت سے جواب دیا۔

 "گاڑی کا پریشانی کے ساتھ کیا تعلق بنتا ہے خان؟"

وہ سنجیدہ ہو کر بولا۔ "بڑا گہرا تعلق ہے۔


کیا مکان تمہارا اپنا ہے۔؟" میں نے جواب دیا۔ "ہاں میرا اپنا ہے بلکہ تین چار ہیں۔"

 وہ مسکرایا اور پوچھا "کیا بیوی بچے بھی ہیں؟"

 میں نے فوراً ہاں میں جواب دیا۔


 اس نے پوچھا۔ "بچہ لوگ کیا کرتے ہیں؟" میں نے جواب دیا "بیٹے اپنا کاروبار کرتے ہیں اور بیٹیاں پڑھ رہی ہیں۔"


 اس نے پوچھا " اور کیا تمہاری بیگم صاحبہ کی صحت ٹھیک ہے؟"میں نے فوراً جواب دیا "ہاں الحمد للہ۔ ہم دونوں ٹھیک ٹھاک ہیں۔ ہمیں اللہ نے مہلک بیماریوں سے بچا رکھا ہے۔"


 وہ بولا "اور کیا خرچہ پورا ہو جاتا ہے؟" میں نے اوپر آسمان کی طرف دیکھا اور جواب دیا "الحمد للہ۔ خرچے کی کبھی تنگی نہیں ہوئی۔"


اس نے قہقہہ لگایا اور میرے بازو پر اپنا کھردرا ہاتھ رکھ کر بولا۔ "اور بابو صاحب آپ اس کے بعد بھی پریشان ہے؟

آپ نے پھر بھی منہ بنا رکھا ہے۔ آپ کو پتا ہے آپ بنی اسرائیل ہو چکے ہیں۔"


میں بے اختیار ہنس پڑا اور پہلی مرتبہ اس کی گفتگو میں دلچسپی لینے لگا۔ میں نے اس سے پوچھا۔ "میں بنی اسرائیل کیسے ہوگیا اور بنی اسرائیل کیا ہوتا ہے؟"


وہ سنجیدگی سے بولا۔ "آپ اگر قرآن مجید پڑھیں تو اللہ تعالیٰ بار بار بنی اسرائیل سے کہتا ہے

 میں نے تمہیں یہ بھی دیا، وہ بھی دیا، ملک بھی دیا، کھیت بھی دیے، دشمنوں سے بھی بچایا، تمہارے لیے آسمان سے کھانا بھی اتارا، باغ اور مکان بھی دیے، عورتیں اور بچے بھی دیے اور غلام اور کنیزیں بھی دیں مگر تم اس کے باوجود ناشکرے ہو گئے۔ تم نے اس کے باوجود میرا احسان نہیں مانا۔


 ہمارے مولوی صاحب کہتے ہیں ساری نعمتوں کے بعد بھی جب کوئی شخص اللہ تعالیٰ کا شکر ادا نہیں کرتا، وہ اس کے احسان یاد نہیں کرتا تو وہ بنی اسرائیل ہو جاتا ہے اور پھر اللہ تعالیٰ اسے بنی اسرائیل کی طرح ذلیل کرتا ہے۔ وہ سب کچھ ہوتے ہوئے بھی سکون اور امن سے محروم ہو جاتا ہے اور آپ بھی مجھے بنی اسرائیل محسوس ہو رہے ہیں۔ آپ کے پاس اللہ کی دی ہوئی تمام نعمتیں موجود ہیں مگر آپ ان کے باوجود بینچ پر اداس بیٹھے ہیں۔ مجھے آپ پر ترس آ رہا ہے۔"


اب مجھے جھٹکا سا لگا اور میں شرمندگی اور خوف سے اس کی طرف دیکھنے لگا۔


میں اپنے آپ کو پڑھا لکھا اورتجربہ کار سمجھتا تھا۔ بچپن سے اسلامی کتابیں بھی پڑھ رہا ہوں اور عالموں کی صحبت سے بھی لطف اندوز ہوتا رہتا ہوں لیکن آپ یقین کریں بنی اسرائیل کی یہ تھیوری میرے لیے بالکل نئی تھی۔ میں نے قرآن مجید میں جب بھی بنی اسرائیل کے الفاظ پڑھے مجھے محسوس ہوا اللہ تعالیٰ ناشکرے اور نافرمان یہودیوں سے مخاطب ہے۔ یہ انھیں اپنے احسانات یاد کرا رہا ہے لیکن کیا ﷲ تعالیٰ کی نظر میں ہر احسان فراموش بنی اسرائیل ہو سکتا ہے اور کیا قدرت اس کے ساتھ وہی سلوک کرتی ہے جو اس نے بنی اسرائیل کے ساتھ وادی سینا اور اسرائیل میں کیا تھا۔؟


یہ بات میرے لیے نئی تھی۔ میں اپنی جگہ سے اٹھا، اس ان پڑھ پشتون کے ہاتھ کو بوسا دیا اور پارک سے چپ چاپ باہر آ گیا۔


میں پورے راستے ﷲ کی ایک ایک نعمت یاد کرتا رہا، اس کا شکر ادا کرتا رہا اور اپنی آستینوں سے اپنے آنسو صاف کرتا رہا۔ میں کیا تھا اور میرے رب نے مجھے کیا بنا دیا مگر میں اس کے بعد بھی نا شکرا ہوں  . . .

خوش نصیب وہ ہے   . . . . . . .

جو اپنے نصیب پر خوش ہے  . . 

Monday, 30 September 2024

Turkish Surgeons Successfully Separate Conjoined Pakistani Twins After 14-Hour Operation

Turkish Surgeons Successfully Separate Conjoined Pakistani Twins After 14-Hour Operation 

Pakistani conjoined twins, Mirha and Minal, separated after successful surgery by Turkish doctors at Bilkent City Hospital, Ankara. — Anadolu Agency

Pakistani twins Mirha and Minal, born with their heads fused, were successfully separated by a team of 60 medical experts in Turkey after a 14-hour, two-phase surgery, according to the state-run Anadolu news agency. The operation took place at Bilkent City Hospital in Ankara, following Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's intervention, as the family could not find appropriate treatment in Pakistan.

After being contacted by renowned London-based pediatric neurosurgeon Owase Jeelani, President Erdogan assured him that the twins' treatment would be provided in Turkey, according to Anadolu.

The 11-month-old twin girls arrived in Ankara in May, where they were placed under close medical supervision. The final 14-hour surgery took place on July 19, led by Dr. Jeelani alongside Turkish doctors Dr. Harun Demirci and Dr. Hasan Murat Ergani.


Highlighting the collaboration involved, Namik Yasar Ozbek, head of the Department of Pediatric Hematology-Oncology, told the Turkish news agency, "The babies had difficulty sitting and using their hands due to their conjoined state. Post-surgery, our neurologists, physical therapists, and neurodevelopmental specialists helped resolve these issues."

Ozbek added, "The babies are now doing well, starting to use their hands and arms, and gaining control of their heads. In 10 days, they will celebrate their first birthdays separately."

Dr. Ergani, part of the surgical team led by Dr. Jeelani, shared the emotional experience, saying, "Seeing the babies healthy now brings immense joy. When we successfully separated them, the entire team looked at each other and applauded. It was one of the most unforgettable moments of my life."


The twins' parents, Rehan Ali and Nazia Parveen, expressed deep gratitude to President Erdogan, the medical team, and all those involved in their daughters' treatment. "We are extremely happy and indebted to everyone who contributed," said the father, adding that they hope to meet Erdogan personally to thank him.

Are the Latest Alzheimer's Drugs the Solution Doctors Have Been Hoping?

 Are the Latest Alzheimer's Drugs the Solution Doctors Have Been Hoping?

A doctor points out evidence of Alzheimer's disease on PET scans at the Center for Alzheimer Research and Treatment (CART) at Brigham And Women's Hospital in Boston, Massachusetts, US, March 30, 2023. — Reuters

Two new drugs, called "lecanemab" and "donanemab", are gaining significant attention as the first is capable of slowing down the debilitating progression of Alzheimer's disease.

However, while their defenders view them as a significant breakthrough in medical research, critics view them as another disappointment after a series of costly failures.

"We have turned a corner" thanks to these treatments, British biologist John Hardy, who has been studying Alzheimer's since the 1990s, told AFP.

Rob Howard, a professor of old age psychiatry at University College London and a critic of the drugs, said: "I think that the drugs have been used to raise false and unrealistic hopes in people with Alzheimer's disease and their families."

These opposing statements sum up the entrenched positions on the recently introduced drugs for Alzheimer's, the most common form of dementia which millions of people across the world suffer from.

Lecanemab, sold under the name Leqembi, was developed by US pharma firms Biogen and Eisai. Donanemab, developed by pharma giant Eli Lilly, is sold as Kisunla.

The controversy has seen countries take different stances on whether to approve the drugs or not.

The United States gave the green light to lecanemab in 2023, then donanemab earlier this year. However, the European Union rejected lecanemab in July, a bad omen for donanemab's chance of approval.

Last month, the UK steered a middle course, approving the use of lecanemab but not making it available on the state National Health Service. 

What no one denies is that the two drugs are the most effective Alzheimer's treatments ever but their effectiveness is limited.

Both appear to reduce cognitive decline in patients at the onset of their disease by around 30%, which seems high but represents a relatively small difference over the year-and-a-half period when the studies were carried out.

"The benefits are so tiny as to be practically invisible in an individual patient," Howard said.


Critics argue that the drugs, that can sometimes cause brain swelling or bleeding, are not worth the risks and are highly expensive.

At the prices being charged by Biogen and Eisai in the US, lecanemab would cost 133 billion euros if given to all eligible patients in the EU, according to a 2023 study.

Meanwhile, advocates of the drugs, including many neurologists, believe they can offer patients a few more precious months of autonomy and that the effectiveness of the drugs could be multiplied if patients started taking them earlier in the disease's progression. 

This could soon be more practicable as research on diagnosing Alzheimer's more quickly has recently been making significant strides.

The differing national policies could also mean that poorer patients are left behind.

"We will see rich people going to the US" for the drugs, Hardy said.

The debate can be traced back in part to a seminal 1992 article by Hardy about how the disease actually works.

The article argues that clumps of protein called amyloid plaques — a constant in the brains of Alzheimer's patients — are not just one element among others, but the main factor triggering the disease.

Over the decades, many drugs targeting these amyloid plaques were developed, all of which failed — until lecanemab and donanemab.

Friday, 20 October 2017

Controlling Your Own Mind

Controlling Your Own Mind

Tuesday, 29 August 2017

10 Ways to Improve Your Personality

10 Ways to Improve Your Personality

We now know that not only can we improve our personality, we can develop it in ways we previously did not understand, or believe possible!

What is Personality?

The personality is the typical pattern of thinking, feeling, and behaviors that make a person unique.
When we say that someone has a "good personality" we mean that they are likable, interesting and pleasant to be with.
Everyone wants to be attractive to others. To that end, having a good personality is vital - probably even more so than good looks.
In fact, approximately 85 percent of your success and happiness will be a result of how well you interact with others. Ultimately, it is your personality that determines whether people are attracted to, or shy away from you.
While we can only enhance our looks to a certain extent, we have the ability to improve the personality as much as we want. We can develop or integrate into our personalities any trait we deem fitting and agreeable.

Saturday, 26 August 2017

Top 15 Benefits of Drinking Milk

Top 15 Benefits of Drinking Milk

A lot of research has been done on weight loss for people who drink milk regularly. Researchers have found that low fat and skimmed milk helps people reduce their body weight more efficiently as compared to people who do not include milk in their everyday diet. The reason behind it being the fact that there is a high calcium level that is naturally inculcated in milk. Calcium helps in breaking down the fat efficaciously which ultimately helps in reducing the body weight.
Milk consists of certain properties that relaxes the body’s tensed muscles and the nerves that are frayed. Researchers have found that consuming a glass of milk relieves the person of excessive stress because of certain proteins that are present in milk. Studies have found that Lactium, a substance present in the lactic drink reduces the blood pressure of the body and reduces the release of hormones which cause excessive stress, thereby calming the mind and body.

Milk contains an essential mineral, Selenium, which is considered to be a key component for the proper functioning of the immune system. One needs to have a strong immunity build up in order to protect himself/ herself from the attack of various foreign particles, germs, infections, fungi etc. Consumption of milk helps the body to boost its immune system which in turn helps the person remain disease free and have a hail and hearty long life.

Milk is considered to be one of the richest source of calcium. A decent amount of calcium consumption is essential for the overall growth of the body, but alongside a good enough amount of calcium intake is necessary in order to prevent tooth cavity and also decaying of teeth. Because of the richness of calcium mineral in milk, it aids in the strengthening of bones which in turn prevents bone injury and fractures.  It becomes important to note that the body absorbs calcium only if it contains the required value of vitamin D.  Calcium absorption by the body takes place only with the help of the D vitamin.

Milk has been proved of having minerals which act as a stress buster. Researchers have found that drinking a glass of milk relaxes the body and reduces the negative effects of the body during the menstrual cycle in women. The calmness that consumption of milk provides is further accompanied by a sober and happy state of mind.

Prevents and cures heartburn or indigestion: Milk works as a cooling agent for the body. Consumption of a cup of milk (cold) along with one teaspoon of sugar blots out heartburn and indigestion. It helps in digestion because of the cooling effect it has and soothes the body of uneasiness caused by acidity and other digestive issues.

Milk is believed to be a rich source of potassium alongside calcium. The potassium level, if maintained appropriately, brings down the high cholesterol (if high) and maintains it. This in, as a result, reduces the risk of heart strokes almost by 20 percent.

Because of so many solid and healthy nutrients that are present in the lactic drink, it becomes essential that a person consumes at least a glass of milk daily. skimmed milk or low fat milk are more beneficial as it not only provides the required nutrients to the body but also lowers the Cholesterol level as because it aids in breaking down the unnecessary and extra fat from the body.

Apart from the high Calcium content, milk is believed to possess a grandiose amount of protein in it. Protein helps in the overall growth of the person. It is essential for both, infants and adults. Infants and children are specially advised to gulp down minimum two glasses  of milk daily, without fail. It keeps the body healthy, both in terms of mental health as well as physical growth and health.

A hot cup of milk with a pinch of turmeric powder added in it is considered to be a best remedy to cure bad and sore throat.  It soothes the throat because of its medicinal properties and also provides an instant relief for the same. This method is considered to be one of the oldest traditional methods to be taken up to cure bad throat.

Researchers have found that milk is sufficiently packed with electrolytes. The electrolytes present in it helps the body deal with dehydration. People are advised to consume sufficient amount of milk to deal with any kind of issue related to dehydration caused by digestive problems etc.

Acknowledging the fact that milk is rich in protein content, it becomes a matter of fact that it will help in the strong built of the body. The high proteins in milk help to strengthen the body muscles. A decent amount of the rich protein drink (milk) intake will also help the person to cure damaged or injured muscles in an accelerated time than usual.

Osteoporosis has become a common phenomenon in women after menopause. It weakens the bones and its density which consequentially increases the risk of bone injuries and fracture manifold. Milk intake in the daily diet becomes of utmost importance for women. The reason being the fact that milk is excessively rich in calcium and protein which are the main essentials to reduce the risk of bone ailments (in women).

Milk helps the body to detoxify the unessential substances that are present in the body. Firstly, the high protein content helps in releasing the extra fat from the body. Intake of hot milk along with turmeric or honey also helps in the process of detoxification. It helps to eliminate the extra minerals from the body, thereby protecting the body from various infections.
Last, but not the least a cup of hot milk lets people have sound sleep. Scientists have found that milk contains tryptophan, which when released, goes into the brain and produces serotonin, which in turn calms the body and gives the person a chance to relax and have a sound sleep. It, therefore, becomes important to note that consumption of milk is essential for people of all age groups. It has benefits and cure for almost all the diseases and problems. Milk can help a person be healthy, happy and stress-free, if consumed in an optimum quantity.

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